06.04.03 June - 10:59 PM

Oh god Oh god Oh god.

I'm going to pathetically try to write an entry tonight but I have a feeling since my head is so clouded with other things it might not come out so well.


So YEAH. Today's thought:

I not only got a call from a job prospect out in California, they sent me an email as well. Not just a, "HEY! We got your resume! Thanks for applying. If we find that you meet our qualifications for hire, we'll contact you. PLEASE DO NOT CONTACT US UNDER PENALATY OF DEATH. Again, good luck on your job hunt you schmuck, hope Denny's is looking for qualified hostesses" but more like, "jaysus, we put out that ad thinking no one would be remotely CLOSE to what we wanted, but you- YOU - are SO what we are looking for, please, PLEASE call us back."

I'm so excited. I almost wish it was 9 in the morning (Pacific Standard Time) and I was a bit more, let's say, not so much in my pajamas. Or is that the same thing? I'm telling you, unemployment makes you realize jimjams are just as comfortable at 2 in the afternoon as they are 8 hours earlier. I'm just saying.


So, trying to take my mind off things...I saw 'Finding Nemo' today. And 'Down with Love'. okay, I paid matinee prices and snuck into another movie. sue me, I'm unemployed. Both movies were pretty good. We did the same sneak in deal last week with X-Men and 'Bruce Almighty'. Again, both...good. Needless to say, I have yet to find anything to completely knock my socks off. Just giving you a head's up on this summer's line up.


Oh, Joe, upon hearing that my diary site was back up said, "so? have you mentioned me yet? How about pictures of the place? I have a camera!" I wanted to take this time out to tell you that Joe, my friend, has been a dear and allowed me to crash on his futon in his office space until I find a job in Milwaukee and move out. Which might mean that I'm here watching my grandkids. Or something. (or get that job in CA and move there! HUZZAH!) Joe is wonderful. If he wasn't gay and I didn't have a wonderful boyfriend in who I love so deeply, I'd totally want him. Hi Joe!

Okay, that's as much as I can muster for my head being so clouded with California job thoughts. Sleep tight everyone.

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