06.23.03 June - 10:42 PM

Ok, so I'm still really bad at updating like I should. Feel free to s'nah me at will.

Just so you know, I really do have a really really good excuse. Okay, maybe it's not that good, but I'm going with it and here it is:

I've been building a deck with my dad for the last week.

Not just a deck that's all square and nice and looks over a garden-oh no-we built a deck that surrounds an above ground pool, which essentially means that it's round. And hard to build-just in case you were thinking about building a round deck anytime soon. But yeah, that's finished, as of today. I took pictures but am just Too. Damn. Lazy. to upload them right now. As if you wanted to see pretty pictures of a round deck surrounding an above ground pool. But maybe you do. Maybe you're a deck kinda builder guy type person and would be really interested in seeing a pretty round deck surrounding an above ground pool. I don't know. If that is the case, you'll just have to wait until I'm not Too. Damn. Lazy any longer.

So yeah. Right now I'm currently installing Windows XP on my new computer for the third time. You may be wondering to yourself:

1) Windows XP? C'mon. Win2000 is so much better. Shit, I'd rather have Linux.

2) For a third time? Why? Shouldn't just once be enough?

3) How did your broke ass with no job get a new frickin' computer anyhow?

To respond, however ungraciously:

1) Windows XP. Iz purdy. Look at all zee purdy colors. Weee!

2) Yep, three times. Apparently Mcrosoft doesn't like unregistered versions. Damn them all to hell.

3) IT'S MY BIRTHDAY!!! WOOOO! Ok, not for another 5 days, but Kevin is the best boyfriend in the world and lets me have my prezzies early. And it's not exactly new, it's rebuilt from one of his friends. But it's new to me and a hellva lot faster then my current one.

So yeah. My birthday. It's on Saturday. Kevin and I are leaving on Friday to go to Toronto. I'm really excited-outside of an hour grocery run (we were camping up north) with my folks when I was 10, I've never actually been to Cananda. Er, that place with one less 'N'. My mom was kinda of funny about the whole thing.

MOM: What do you want for your birthday honey?

CASEY: I don't know. I'll have to think of something.

MOM: Well, I was going to give you that trip to Toronto, but I'm not going to now because of the SARS.

CASEY: They lifted the travel warnings Mom.

MOM: I don't care.

CASEY: Okay, how about a digital camera then?

MOM: Sounds good to me. Just no Toronto.

I haven't told her yet that I'm using my new digital camera IN Toronto, but she's smart enough to figure it out. Anyhow, we're going the way of Niagara Falls on the way there, so if you hear of a girl dying because of a barrel accident-that would be me.

Well kids, I'm out for now. I want to get that computer up and running before I'm, well, 30.

(wait, is this a good time to mention I'm turning 29 this year?)


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