11.14.03 October - 4:35 PM


Monday: Work at regular job for 10 hours. Come home, finish laundry, do dishes. Write diary entry.

Tuesday: Work at regular job for 8 hours. From regular job, go to painting job offered by Dad. Work another 4-5 hours. Go home, sleep.

Wednesday: Work at regular job for 8 hours. From regular job, go get haircut. Come home, straighten house, pay bills.

Thursday: Work at regular job for 8 hours. From regular job, go to DMV for plates for the van. From DMV, go to paint job. Work another 3-4 hours. Home, sleep.

Friday: Work at regular job for 6 hours. Go directly to paint job and work 8 hours. From paint job, to bar, two drinks, pitas from Apollo, home, sleep.



Monday: Worked 10 hours at regular job. Wondered what the hell possessed me to say that I would ever work 10 hours straight in a sitting position doing a tedious task such as data entry. Got depressed knowing that this is every Monday for the rest of my regular job career. Came home still depressed, drank a beer, watched Monster House. Thought about laundry. Briefly.

Tuesday: Woke up two hours late for regular job as weird Searching for the Snooze found Off Switch Instead karma thing was happening. Worked 8 hours at regular job regardless. Got home late, watched Gilmore Girls. Thought about writing diary entry. Briefly. Thoughts of extra time putting in painting on Thursday. ...and Friday. Hell, Saturday even. Bed...early.

Wednesday: Woke up on time. Stupid alarm clock. Worked 8 hours. Got cute haircut. Got dye job so close to natural color it's practically frightening. And mousie. Came home to power being out from 55 mph winds in area. Went to Hooligans. Ate. Drank. Boyfriend appears. More drinking. Power must still be out. Boyfriend's friend shows up. Buys rounds. Yes, plural. Went home late. Paid bills...slightly drunk. Might have paid bills for next 3 years. Think that check might bounce. Bed. Late. ZZZZZzzzzZZZzz

Thursday: It can't be morning already. Ow. Owwwwwww. MEH. Work 8 hours. Think about painting job. Slightly less than Briefly. Head. Hurts. Still make it to DMV. Plates, registration, title transfer - $95.00. Think twice about sending out that "I'lz buy my electicikey for the whooooole YEAR!" check. Make it home. Couch. Coooooouch. Friends. Will & Grace. South Park. Futurama. Bed. Ahhhhh, bed.

Friday: Work 6 hours. Day goes quickly. Too quickly. Think it might be a trick. Think it might actually be Tuesday and you'll get fired for not showing up tomorrow. Think it a shame to waste a perfectly fast moving Friday on painting. There's always Saturday. Come home. Think it might be time to write a diary entry. WRITE a diary entry.


So yeah. I guess the point of that whole thing is to tell you what a lazy bum I've been. Seriously. Kevin has been working his ass off for two weeks straight and I...have not. In fact, yesterday for example, he worked 8 hours painting for my dad and then came home and made dinner. And not just Chunky soup, I'm talking chicken and fresh broccoli and other, things, that you cook with. I, being the lazy bum that I've been recently, sat on the couch, occassionaly coming in to pick pieces of almost-cooked chicken out of the pan. Kevin, if you read this, I'm so sorry.

I mentioned that I got my hair cut. It's shorter than it's been in almost three years. It's short and bouncy and I can no longer pull it in a ponytail or braids, probably a happy thought to all of you who have ONLY seen me in braids in the last year. I really like it, if not only for the fact that I don't have to use a half bottle of conditioner every time I wash my hair.

blah blah blah.

I'm feeling lazy again. I've lost my train of thought and I think I should go. Meh. Hope everyone is doing well.


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