01.04.04 January - 10:56 AM

Hmmmm. What's this? I haven't updated in over a month? Hmmm. Well it looks like I'm going to have to do something about that.

So! Happy Holidays! Christmas and New Year's and all that junk. Did everyone have themselves a jolly good time? Get drunk? Get presents? Got milk? Kick ass.

Prior to the holidays, Kevin had his thirty-"I don't want to talk about how old I am cuz I'm not that old"-eth birthday. For a physical present I got him a cell phone with color display which was actually free so I'm just paying the first two bills. He previously had a Sprint phone with Sprint service but as I will tell anyone who will listen (a.k.a. You) Sprint sucks. Kevin and I are talking about having a Destroy the Sprint Phone Party, complete with hammers, mallets, staple guns, and "Let's see how far you can toss the Sprint phone on the pavement" game. Hee.

For the going-out bit present, we headed down to Chicago to go to Dave & Busters. Dave & Busters has to be one of our all time favorite places to go. There used to be one a mere 5 miles from our house in Denver and it wasn't uncommon for us to stop in 'real quick like' after work. For those of you unfamiliar with Dave & Busters, it's like a Chucky Cheese for adults...even the tickets you get from the game can buy cool adult things like blenders and stereo systems and ... PlayStation 2's. Which brings me to my point. Since Denver Kevin and I have been saving up our tickets to get a PS2. Its 42,000 tickets. A normal visit to D&B's will produce about 3000 to 5000 tickets. Needless to say, we've been saving for awhile. On Kevin's birthday however, we came home with one very pretty, very cool, very expensive (42,000 tickets divided by 5000 X $75.00 per visit (excluding drinks and non-ticket games) = One Fucking Expensive Ass PlayStation 2). I have to admit, it was a fun year and a half and well worth the expensive-ness of having it.

ANYHOW, (still on the birthday thing - jaysus! and there's still Christmas and New Year's to talk about? THIS is why I shouldn't wait a month to update) all of Kevin's friends had come to Chicago to play at D&B too. One of his friends, Jeff, and Jeff's girlfriend, Jennifer, took us out on the town after D&B's (as I had spent the last of my money getting the PS2) and proceeded to get both of us incredibly intoxicated. They took us to the House of Blues, then to some horrible dance club, and then finally got us all some crazy hotel rooms in the ghetto. Unbeknownst to Kevin and I until the next headache induced morning, at some point during the night Jennifer had gone for a walk in the ghetto and got a knife put to her throat. I'd love to divulge the details, but as I was happily dreaming with drool running down my chin during this episode, I'm afraid that's all I really know. Sorry kids.

So blah blah blah....Christmas. Merry Christmas once again. For Christmas we decided to go to Missouri to see my mom in Jefferson City. When I said "we decided", I really mean, "I decided" and Kevin "kind of went along for it". The trip turned out to be fairly - interesting - with Christmas Eve spent with a whole slew of relatives that I haven't seen in 15 years and to be blatantly honest, had no idea who the hell they were. Christmas during the day was fairly hellish while my mom desperately tried to please my grumpy infamously hard to please grandparents. To give you an idea, for 2 hours Christmas day we drove around Columbia, Missouri in an attempt to find something they would eat but as nothing was open on Christmas, we ended up having lunch at the Waffle House. We thankfully convinced them at 4pm that they were old and stodgy and that there was nothing in the world they would be happy about so why don't you be old and stodgy in your hotel room and just bitch and moan about kids these days. Jaysus Christmas in a pushcart. That night, Kevin and I, and my mom and her boyfriend, all ate at a Chinese buffet - just like in the 'Christmas Story', minus the duck head. That was fun. No, seriously. Nothing says Christmas like fried wontons. My mom took us out for drinks at one of her hangouts and the next day we headed home. It took us awhile to get back as we spotted the Dave & Busters in St. Louis (see a theme here anyone?) but otherwise, the drive back was pretty uneventful.

And that, my friends, was Christmas.

We're old and hate everything.

So I guess that brings us to New Year's. Happy New Years again. Kevin and I had decided previously to pretty much lay low on New Years. There weren't any parties that we knew of and we don't like $20 covers to shitty bars. That of course didn't happen. We had dinner at Kevin's moms house and brought his brother back to the East side with us. After an hour of TV, I was bored and asked if anyone else was interested in going out. ...they were. We went to one crappy bar first to ring in the New Year and then walked down to Champions. I had a great time at Champions though there is something I need to say: There is a reason why having a bar time is a good idea. If you don't have a bar time, the drunkards won't know what time they need to go home. And we didn't. We stayed until 5 in the morning which made the New Years Day party at my parents REAL enjoyable. Actually, it wasn't so bad. It might be the sole day of the year that parents just laugh and nod in recognition of a really bad hangover.

Well kids and kidettes, this entry (believe it or not) took over an hour and it's Sunday and I have a date with a couch. And the TV. And the Playstation. I must go. Hope the holidays treated you well, and if you're the type to hide from the holidays, hope the cave you were staying in had plenty of beer. Cheers!

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