01.20.04 January - 9:30 PM

So it's 9:30 at night and I usually don't like to write so close to bedtime. Which is probably why I don't write in this thing all this often. Here's a breakdown of my normal day:

4:45AM - Alarm goes off. Hit snooze 5 times and wake up at 5:45. (Incidentally, this morning I was so alarmed by the...alarm (harhar) that I actually whacked Kevin across the backhead in that "OhMyGodIt'sTheAlarmIMustBeLateToWork!" waking up surprise. But I wasn't late and Kevin doesn't remember why he has odd bruises so let's just leave it there.)

5:45 to 6:35AM - Shower, Shit, and Shave. Actually, usually no shit (too much information) and usually a half ass pitleg shave (it's fucking winter in WI).

6:35AM to 4PM - Work. And nobody likes to hear about work.

4:30 PM - Home. Usually bored. Think about taking a walk. Realize its winter in WI. Think about going to the gym. Realize haven't paid Bally's bill in 3 months. Whimper at the thought of a bike ride down to the lake. Curse whatever powers above that screwed me into another winter in WI. Proceed to sit on couch and play Simpson's Hit and Run for next 4 hours. Wonder why ass has become the size of Kansas. Have glass of red wine and forget about it.

10:00PM - Adult Swim. Refuse to listen to opening of "Family Guy" due to fears of theme song stuck in my head for the remainder of the night. Shit. Just did it. It's stuck there. Oh Christ. Get it out. "...F-ing cry! He's-A-Fam-ily-GUYYYYY!" ShitFuckDammit.

11PM - SHITTTTT. "...F-ing cry! He's-A-Fam-ily-GUYYYYY!"

Midnight - GODDAMN IT!!!!! "...F-ing cry! He's-A-Fam-ily-GUYYYYY!" "...F-ing cry! He's-A-Fam-ily-GUYYYYY!" "...F-ing cry! He's-A-Fam-ily-GUYYYYY!"


So yeah. That's my weekday life. I came home yesterday with all these thoughts on giving you a nice big complainy (yes, it really is a word) entry about how much I hate the cold and shoveling and snot freezing up in my nose and taking 5 minutes to warm up my car and blah blah fucking blah...all which you could have just replied back to me, "You're in WI dumbass." And I am. I'm in Wisconsin. I was born here so I should be used it. I should be out wearing short sleeved T-shirts like all the other Wisconsinites when it hits a balmy 32 degrees outside. *sigh* Hey wait! This IS a complainy entry about the cold! Well hot damn.

If it's any consolation, news of Jennifer and Jaime's engagement (Congratulations by the way!) made me realize that I'm going to be 30 in a few months and I haven't had any of my ex-boyfriends marry on me yet (the serious ones anyhow). And now's the time too. People have been falling off the SinglesWagon for 4 years now with this big 3-0 looming there ("Oh Shit," the people cried, "we must couple and copulate swiftly!") and yet my ex's remain. I think a few of them are getting close, or got close, but never quite made it there. This of course makes me ponder on whether or not I ruined these men forever ("If all women are like her, pray God I turn gay!") or ... who the fuck am I kidding, it's just the way it turned out. Which makes me think, although my biggest plans for 30 are to quit smoking ("GASP!" the people cried! (once again crying! those Nancy�s)) maybe I should list my 30-Year achievement (opposed to becoming CEO of a company, having 18 identical twins, running the Boston Marathon, etc. etc.) as the Girl Who Didn't Have Her Ex's Marry Off on Her (and didn't turn gay). You know, if the whole quit smoking thing doesn't work out.

So that's it. I'm tired and the theme song for Family Guy is now over (but still stuck in my head oddly enough).

"...F-ing cry! He's-A-Fam-ily-GUYYYYY!"


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