11.21.04 November - 9:46 AM

Hello from California! I'd like to let you know right now before you look at the above picture and get a little bit jealous that it's November and people are running around on the beach in skimpy little bikinis...that picture was actually taken in September. It's actually pretty cold right now. Only 68 degrees. But it's morning, it might warm up a bit.

(Don't hate me Don't hate me)

So yeah! I just wrote an email off to Beth, the bestest friend a girl could have, and told her I'd write an entry for her. You see, Kevin and I got in a bit of, not trouble exactly-more of a situation last weekend in which I called Beth to laugh about it. What I failed to do is to let her know what exactly the outcome of the situation was, which of course prompted emails from her that pretty much said, "is Kevin still alive?"

Before I begin, the answer to that is yes. Kevin is indeed still alive and well (and has a job! Huzzah!).

So Kevin and I went to San Diego last Saturday. I had gotten free tickets to the San Diego zoo from work and it sounded like a fun thing to do so we went. It was raining while we were headed down there, but by 11 AM, the clouds broke and it was a fantastically beautiful day. And let me state for the record, the San Diego zoo is by far the best zoo I have ever been to. Seriously, all other zoos are now ruined for me. If you ever get the chance, go there.


I took a bunch of animal pictures, but I'm not going to bore you with them here. Just know that they did indeed HAVE animals there, and not just one crazy girl hanging out on hippos and in the bamboo.

The zoo closed at 4, so with the fading sunshine (I hate winter and it's darkness!) we decided to go to downtown San Diego to have a look around and maybe a couple of cocktails. Ha! I say "maybe" like there was some chance that we weren't going to have some cocktails.

While at one of our cocktail places (please note that this is where the trouble began) I turned to my dear sweet boyfriend whom I love very much and wouldn't wish him any harm to if my life depended on it and said to him,"I need some cigarettes. Why don't we pop down to Mexico real quick as I can get a carton at the Duty Free for cheap. I mean, hey, Mexico is so close and all."

Which he replied, "How close?"

"Just 10 minutes away. I swear."

"10 minutes?"

"Yeah, just 10 minutes. Look, it's 7 PM right now. We'll go, pick up a carton, hop the border to Mexico, have a taco, and be home no later than 10. I swear."

"By 10?"

"By 10."

"Ok then."

So we go. Now keep in mind that I didn't have much in cash on me. $20.00 tops. Kevin had $3.00. I didn't think this was such a big deal as I would pay for the cigarettes with my credit card and use the ATM at the Duty Free to get some cash out to pay for parking and some wares in Mexico. So when we got to the Duty Free and I noticed that the ATM was broken I asked the Duty Free counter person if the Parking Facility accepted credit cards.

"It doesn't. But if you show them your receipt from here, you can park for free for two hours."

"Sweet," I think. I buy my cigarettes and Kevin and I happily cross the border with $23.00.

While in Mexico, we had some food. We shopped around a bit and I bought a rug and a painted clay pot. When we finally got back to the US customs, we had spent the entire $23.00. No problem. We still had 20 minutes left to get free parking. However, we had to pass back through the Duty Free store to get to the parking lot. I, of course, started looking around a bit while I waited for Kevin to use the bathroom. While I waited I saw some vodka. A liter of Stoli vodka. A liter of Stoli vodka that retails at $27.00 in the stores, that here, in the Duty Free, was selling for $8.00.

"Kevin! Let's get it!"

"Don't we have to go back across the border?"

"Well, technically yes. But I've done it before where I just bought the stuff and snuck back to the parking lot."

"Are you sure?"

"Honey, $8.00. For a liter."

"Are you sure we can sneak away?"

"Oh yeah, we'll be fine. Trust me."

So we bought the liter of Stoli for $8.00 on my credit card. We had 10 minutes left to get free parking so we quickly left and tried to get back to the parking lot.

But we got caught. By the Border police.

"You have to go to Mexico."

"Ok, but can we just move our car real quick? We don't have money to pay for parking."

"No, you have to go to Mexico."

FuckFuckFuckFuck. Kevin and I in a panic figured out the following arrangement: He'd go across the border and come back right away. I'll go and move the car getting the free parking from the cigarette receipt and then repark using the receipt from the vodka. We'd meet back at the Duty Free in 20 minutes.

It was a great plan. In theory. What we didn't count on was Kevin getting lost. Which he did. In Mexico. Without any money. With just a bottle of $8.00 vodka. I waited for Kevin at the Duty Free for an hour. Every once in awhile I would get a pissed off phone call.

"I'm on a bridge. I don't remember a bridge. The sign said 'USA' but I don't see the USA. What the fuck!?"

While I waited I started making phone calls to my friends. I needed to tell them, with a giggle, that my boyfriend was lost in Mexico because of a $8.00 bottle of vodka. Poor Kevin.

Kevin did in fact make it back. He had taken a right at the border when he should have taken a left. He didn't talk to me for awhile on the drive back home and he refuses to ever go to Mexico again unless I am positively coming with him.

We made it home by 2 AM. We still have the vodka. And three days later when Kevin was at the store and he saw that a liter of Stoli cost $27.00 he said to me, "We saved $19.00! Well that makes it all worth it."


So that's my story. I haven't written this long of an entry in a really long time. To leave you, here's a couple pictures of our apartment. One, the messy living room that comes from selling all your furniture when you leave a state and having no place to put your stuff once you get to the new state so you end up putting everything on the floor, and one of the view from our balcony.

Cheers all!

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