10.18.05 October - 4:50 PM

The apartment is comfortable silent. Kevin is currently in bed with a cold that I�m sure I gave to him although I was never sick myself. Feel free to refer to me as, �Carrier� from now on. It�s been a crazy day in which I alternated from hating everyone I work with to pulling out my hair due to my own random stupidity. It�s very nice to be sitting here at home, downloading music to my iPod (Cannonball by the Breeders just went on), thinking that my only nightly requirements are a load of laundry and a couple of hours of TV before bed.

After a summer of absolutely no rain (not a shocker), it�s been pretty damp the last few days. While I will complain that I can�t stand the cold and rain, it�s been a pleasant change. I put on real shoes for the first time this week. With laces even. I�ve been living in sandals and flip-flops for 4 months straight. Strangely enough I was never invited to the White House. I have a great pair of flops that would have been suburb for meeting the Idiot in Chief, er Commander in Chief.

So my mom came out to visit me a few weeks ago. It was also surprisingly pleasant. I am still too much in shock about that fact to talk about it.

Kevin leaves for Wisconsin on Friday. His friend, Mike, is getting married in Scotland two weeks from now so the bachelor party is this weekend. If I know Mike at all, it�s going to be one hell of a bachelor party. Wouldn�t mind being a fly on the wall if you know what I mean. Then again, it�s probably best that I�m not. Flies don�t really get much respect and I don�t like poop.

So I�ve got 4 days all by my lonesome. Half of me wants to head to Vegas and have my own party (with friends of course), while the other half has already comprised an extensive list of cry-your-eyes-out chick flicks with a side of popcorn and penguin pajamas.

Well, this is short, but I�ve got laundry to contend with. Hope all is well.

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